Friday, August 17, 2018

DREAM SHIFTER II: Theater of Dreams out TOMORROW 8/18

Dream Shifter II: Theater of Dreams is out tomorrow! You can acquire my second novel on for $12, or at my release show for $10! Digital kindle copies will also be sale for $10! Afterwards, I'll be selling the remaining copies in person for $12. 

I'll have the remaining copies of the first book, and two DIY printed out short stories for sale.

I put a lot of work into this book, and it marks the first time someone else shared the fruits of labor with me, since Scott Acquavella helped me edit this book to make it even better than the first one.

Thank you so much to everyone who has supported me. I hope you all love the final Dream Shifter book.

If you don't see me in person often, live far away, etc. You can order a print copy here:

For digital reading/kindle reading:

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